The Eagle Rock Equestrian Club made a difference not only by raising funds for the past few years, but also volunteering their time to help building a picnic pavilion at Tiger Bay State Forest, for the public to enjoy for years to come. Special thanks to Vivian Thompson & Prestige Concrete Products for their contributions, as Foster Pavilion was dedicated on Oct. 18, 2015.
Tiger Bay State Forest New Picnic Pavilion Dedication Oct. 18, 2015.
Through community partnerships and support, the Friends program assists the state forests to expand outdoor recreation, education and reforestation on our 37 state forests representing more than 1.1 million acres of public land. “Reaching out to the community is important as we share our message of our forests, and mission with partners, as we strive to make our forests better for everyone, stated Doug Ott, Friends of Florida State Forests Program Coordinator.” One example of this is when the Eagle Rock Equestrian Club, an avid support of Tiger Bay State Forest, decided to raise funds for a picnic pavilion for their group, other equestrian riders, and visitors for years to come, can enjoy a special place at the forest to enjoy!
The Friends of Florida State Forests is a direct-support organization of the Florida Forest Service dedicated to ensuring Florida’s state forests are available for future generations to enjoy. Contributions to our program can be made to a specific forest near you in the areas such as recreation, reforestation, forest restoration, exotic plant removal, equipment donations, and other forest needs. Some membership levels also include categories where a portion of dues can be directed towards operations, recreation, reforestation and ecology, and made to a specific forest of your choice. If you would like to learn more about our program or join, please visit, or contact With your help, we can make the forests better for everyone!